Saturday, July 6, 2013


This week for class we were asked to write a paper on the importance of fatherhood.  I honestly loved writing this paper because I have so much love and respect for my father, and I know how important it is to have a good father in the home.  I found a website that gives ten steps on how to be a better dad:
  1. Don't worry about being a great dad.
  2. Try to live your normal pre-child life as soon as possible.
  3. Give the mommy some time for herself.  
  4. Get up with mom for late-night feedings.
  5. Be affectionate with your baby, especially as they get older. 
  6. Treat your kid the way that you wanted to be treated when you were a kid.
  7. Don't ever abuse your kid.  Ever!
  8. Advice on raising children is everywhere, and it's all contradictory, so be very careful which guide you follow.
  9. Enjoy yourself.  It all goes by too quickly.
  10. Learn what kids want most from their dad.
I absolutely love all of those steps.  They make a lot of sense and they don't seem too hard to follow.  I hope that my future husband will take these steps so that he can be the best father that he can be.

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