Friday, May 24, 2013

Today in class we discussed same-sex attraction.  This is a touchy subject for most LDS members.  But I enjoy discussing it and hearing different peoples’ views on the topic.  The question was brought up “are people born gay?”  I personally do not agree with that statement.  Our teacher made a comment somewhere along the lines of “people say that God created gays that way, that God gave them that temptation.  But God does not give people temptation, Satan does.”  I truly agree with that comment!  We are all perfect and cannot be tempted before the age of accountability which is eight years old.  So we could not possibly be born with that kind of temptation because God will not allow Satan to tempt us at that age.  For people who develop those feelings of same sex attraction, I do believe that it can be overcome.  Any trial or sin we have committed can be overcome by the power of the atonement.  It is a promise that God will not tempt us above what we can handle. 

We should not judge others on what they do with their lives.  I love the saying that states: 

The truth is we all sin, just in different ways.  But we need to help each other out to become better, and not judge each other for what we are doing.  I love the scripture in Matthew 5:22 that says:

“But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment…….”

Love one another, three simple words that we can all live by to help the world be a better place to live in.  

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